Monday, May 28, 2012

Pool Day!

Happy Memorial Day! Thank you to all of the men and women who have served or are currently serving in our military. I will forever be grateful for all that you and your families do for us.

Today was a pool day...well, it was a pool day before the afternoon storms rolled in. Afternoon storms mean it is officially summer in Florida!!! Reagan is a water baby, so it is good that we have a pool. As soon as her feet hit the water they start kicking and her face lights up. I kind of think watching our sweet 130lb. Rottweiler, Samson fearlessly jump in the pool and play has helped her think the pool is a fun place to be. I thought the water was a little too cold to enjoy, but I was obviously wrong :) We are waiting till the end of the summer to do the ISR swim lessons for her because her Pediatrician recommended that we wait until she is around 9 months old. We are going to get her in the pool and ocean as much as possible, so she will be even more prepared for her lessons! ISR lessons are a must if you have a pool in your back yard and a child that can my humble opinion :)
We are getting excited about hosting 5 of my girlfriends from college! Three of the ladies have babies and I cannot wait to get the little ones together. I told Chris that our little girl has a built in group of friends that she will have summer adventures with throughout her childhood.  My college friends come in next week and I am trying to get the house ready for their arrival. I wanted to get all the babies floats for the pool, so I ordered one off Amazon earlier in the week. We had to test the float before I ordered a float for the rest of the babies. We found a winner. Even though she is lathered in sunscreen I thought the cover would help keep the sun away as well. Reagan reminded me of Fred Flintstone...too funny. I can't wait to see what all of the other babies think of the pool and their cars. Hopefully we will have all smiles and no tears! Check out a few pictures of Reagan in her car. Oh, and here is a link to the float we got Reagan. Check out the baby float on Amazon!

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