Sunday, July 15, 2012

My Gym Fun!!!

Dang Gina! I have not put anything on the blog since I started it almost a month ago. BOO!!!! I am going to do my best to keep up with the blog. Even if it is to write a sentence or two about what we did! Reagan is growing so fast and we are enjoying seeing her change daily. She is getting her top two teeth...that makes a total for 6 teeth all together! I will take a picture of her teeth sometime this week...I promise! She is becoming more social every day...I know this must shock everyone since Chris and I are such introverted people...ha ha ha! Last night we went to Bonefish for an early dinner and Reagan was working two different tables at the same time. The ladies at both tables were playing peek a boo with her...too funny. She loved every moment of it and was definitely aware of the reactions she was receiving when she laughed and talked to them.
Most  recently, My Gym has been her favorite place to go. We go twice a week and as soon as we walk in she starts bouncing and kicking her legs in excitement. Chris sings her the My Gym welcome song at home and she gets the biggest grin on her face. I love that we get to work on her gross motor skills and make new friends! We have been lucky enough to have both my Mom and Chris's mom go with us to see her play. Both Moms loved going and seeing all of the wonderful things we do each week. Reagan is so lucky to have our family so close and involved. Here are a few of pics of her at My Gym. Have a great week and I promise there will be new entries this week, so be sure to stop by and check it out!

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