Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Black and White Party

It was a pretty rainy day here in Winter Garden. It rained on and off all day long :( However, the rain did not stop us from having fun!!! Today we skipped My Gym and went to a play date at the library. One of the Moms from our play date group rented a room at the local library and we had a "party" for the little ones. She asked everyone to wear Black and White as that was the theme of the party. It was so much fun and there were about 30 Moms with their babies...the ages went from 4 months to 14 months. Although Reagan can't crawl yet we spent most of our time with the older kids because she gets to interact with them more than the little ones. Reagan is very social and wants to touch everything and talk to everyone. Even though she is very social she wants her mama to be with her when we are in a large group. I tried to walk away for a moment to put something in my bag and she turned, put her hands in the air (which means pick me up) and fussed. It was actually pretty cute that she wanted to make sure I was there with her. The party decorations were amazing and there was a photo backdrop set up too! Included are a couple of pictures of our girl!

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